AFHCO Tenant Onboarding App

Applying for accomodation has never been this easy

Credit Check Consent

I hereby consent and agree for African Housing Company to obtain a copy of my personal credit report (“PCR”) from a Registered Credit Bureau, to be used solely to conduct an affordability assessment to rent a property through African Housing Company.

I consent to the Registered Credit Bureau releasing a copy of my PCR in PDF or XML format to African Housing Company and to African Housing Company having sight of the content of my PCR for the above purpose.

Furthermore, I consent to African Housing Company providing all personal information provided by me to in relation of accessing my PCR to the registered credit bureau for purpose of updating my credit record.

African Housing Company may request my PCR from the registered credit bureau on condition that they undertake: (a) not to host, resell, on-sell or make my PCR available to any third party or agent, or use my PCR to compile any other databases; (b) not to amend or add any information on my PCR or deal with my PCR in contravention of any applicable laws; (c) to take all reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorised access to the information contained on my PCR; (d) to destroy my PCR upon my request or immediately after it has served the purpose for which it was obtained on my behalf; (e) to keep record of any persons who has access to my PCR for as long as it's in African Housing Company's possession, before it is destroyed.

I am aware that I am entitled to one free PCR per year from any registered credit bureau and that I can obtain my free PCR by contacting the credit bureau directly, either telephonically, by way of email, fax or attending on the office of the credit bureau in person. I am aware that I have the right to challenge the accuracy of any information contained on my PCR directly with a credit bureau.

Attached to this application is a copy of my Identity Document.

I confirm that the information furnished herein to the registered credit bureau is true and correct